My first photo session with this sweet family was when Charlotte turned one and Ethan wasn't even a speck on the horizon. She walked around her bedroom with her little baby belly sticking out and nothing but frilly bloomers on, showing me her books and toys. It's an honor to have watched this family grow and change, so you can imagine how sad I was that after photographing them almost every six months since Charlotte's babyhood, I learned they were moving hundreds of miles away. I'm sure we'll cross paths again someday, and our time together will be all the more special!
Erica is such a free-spirited, calm, and affectionate mama. We met on a summer morning when the sun was high and everything just glowed green and yellow against the blue sky. Ethan had just learned to walk (with a little hand-holding) and Charlotte entertained us by spinning around in circles. We found a magical grassy spot tucked away in the forest and played in the dirt, spotted a beautiful opening into a neighboring meadow, and eventually made our way down to the creek where the kids had a blast cooling off in the water. Sessions like these make my heart sing!